Operational Expenses of our Masjid complex

Account Name: Houghton Muslim Association
Bank: First National Bank
Branch code: 252505
Account No. 621 535 226 70
Account Type: Current/Cheque
Ref: Your Name

Houghton Masjid – Building Project

Account Name: Houghton Muslim Association Building Project
Bank: First National Bank
Branch code: 252505
Account No. 622 031 947 25
Account Type: Current/Cheque
Ref: Your Name

Proof of Payment

Please e-mail us a copy of your deposit slip, together with your postal address and contact details.
Thank you for your generous contribution. May Allah (SWT) reward you and your family in this world and the hereafter,
InshaAllah, Aameen.
Email To: info@hma.org.za
Contribute Towards HMA Projects